Friday, December 17, 2010

Not my usual post

I just wrote a very long blog entry that was deep and heady and possibly difficult to follow. I erased it and wrote the following instead because what I think what I want to communicate is simple. I'm going to attempt to clearly share my joy.

Jesus has changed me. He used the friction of colliding worldviews on the ship and in Africa to slowly liquefy my values and beliefs. Then he hit me with a trifecta of methods to hammer home some gospel truths. The methods are his word, the words of other people and a supernatural leading of my thoughts through meaningful experiences to some conclusion. He has replaced some of the most rotten parts of me with fresh flesh. He has taught me things that I can't believe I never knew, things about him, about other people, about the world and about me. He has loved me just like he said he would and just like he loves you.

I don't know how to say it any other way than that. All of the credit and honor goes to God.

1 comment:

  1. Well said. I like your writing. I would love to sit and chat and hear your story in as much detail as you care to share. perhaps over a brewski? Take care friend, praying for you, and rejoicing for what He has done and is doing. - Bryan
